efflorescence test of bricks

 Test for efflorescence bricks

No of specimen

         Five whole bricks Shall be taken as specimen for this test

Apparatus required

Apparatus required for this test cell be a Shallow flat bottom dish containing distilled water

Procedure actual testing

The bricks shall be placed vertically in the dish with 2.5 CM immersed in the water. The room shall be 180 degree Celsius to 30 degree Celsius and well ventilated. the bricks should not be removed until it absorbs whole water. When the whole  water is absorbed and the bricks appears to be dry, place a similar quantity of water in that dish and allow it to evaporate as before. the bricks shall be examined after the second evaporation.

Reporting the test result

The rating of efflorescence in ascending order shall be reported as an NIL , SLIGHT,MODERATE, Heavy, or Serious in accordance with the following

1. NIL: when there is no perceptible deposit of  efflorescence 

2.SLIGHT : when not more than 10% of the area of the brick is covered with a a thin deposit of salts

3. MODERATE: when there is heavier deposit and covering up to 50% of the area of the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering of flaking of the surface.

4. HEAVY: When there is a heavy deposit of salts covering 50% or more of  the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface.

5. SERIOUS: When there is heavy deposit of salts, accompanied powdering and/or flaking of the surface and tending to increase in the repeated wetting of the specimen.

Criteria for conformity

A lot be considered having satisfied the requirements efflorescence if for 4 out out of the specimen of 5 bricks, the rating of efflorescence is not beyond "Moderate"


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