Flush Door Shutters Test

By the way, construction work is a very big work area. But if we talk about the construction work of the house, then there are hundreds of small and big items in it. And before using those goods certain tests are done to check their quality. The quality of the goods is determined on the basis of the test results. Today we will give you information about testing related to quality check of plywood doors.


Door shutter shall be tested for resistance of their base to immersion in water as follows

  • The door shutter shall be immersed vertically to a height of 30cm in water at room temperature for 24 hours.

  • The allowed to dry for 24 hours at 27 plus minus 2 degree Celsius and relative humidity of 65 plus minus 5%.

  • 10 cycle shall be repeated eight time.

  • There shall be no delamination at the end of the test.



The type of knife required to be used in the test is given in figure below it may be made from a 250 into 25mm file the cutting edge should be kept chisel sharp . The test shall be carried out on a stout table to which a wooden Batten is screwed against which the age of the test piece is placed.

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  1. The knife is inserted with its cutting edge parallel to the grain of the outer veneer and worked into, or if possible along a glue line and the veneer is prised upwards.

  2. A hard and dense specie of plywood requires considerable force to effect entry and to prise and Veneer.

  3. In soft Timber the knife tends to follow an easy cross through the wood and in this case it is essential that the knife be firmly guided along the glue line.

  4. The bond should just pass the requirement, it is judged  by the relative amount of wood fibre left on the core veneer and the area prised off.

  5. The grading is assessed chiefly on the appearance of the break.

  6. The force needed to effect separation is also and accompanying requirement. the bond is excellent, when it is difficult to find the glue line and impossible to keep the tool within it for more than 6 mm without cutting adjacent wood.

  7. On prising upwards, the Veneer usually breaks off over a width  slightly greater than that of the tool.

  1. The bond is 'poor' when knife meets little opposition in the glue line and the prise result in the easy removal of almost all the Veneers from one side of the the test piece. The separated veneers are usually almost free from adherent fibre.

  1. Reporting of test results the result shall be reported as 'pass standard' 'excellent' or 'poor'


  • For a square section 150×150 mm shall be cut from the corners of the door.

  • These four corner sections as cut from the door Shall be immersed in boiling water for 4 hours then dried at 27 + - 2 degree Celsius and relative humidity of 65 + - 5 per cent for  24 hours.

  • At the end of the the drying period,            the samples shall be examined for delamination

  • In the case of the glue lines in the plywood, all the four exposed edges of the plywood on both faces of a specimen shall be examined for delamination. A specimen shall be considered to have passed the test if no delamination has occurred in the glue line in the the plywood and if no single delamination more than 50 mm in length and more than 3 mm in depth has occurred in the Assembly glue line between the plywood faces and the Stile and rail.

  • Delamination at the corner shall be measured continuously around the corner. delamination at a Knot, Knot hole, a pitch pocket and warm hole or other permissible wood defects shall not be considered in assigning the sample. A door shall be deemed to have passed this test if three of the four specimens tested pass the test.

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According to P.W.D


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